Gluten-Free + Plant-Based Mediterranean Wrap w/ Tzatziki

Springtime is HERE! It's the perfect time to add more fresh veggies to your diet. I got a fabulous recipe for you all from "The 30-min Frugal Vegan" cookbook by Melissa Copeland 
Because I (Maria) have an enzyme condition where I can't eat certain beans, I've modified the garbanzo beans with butter beans and also substituted the wrap for Real Coconut's GF tortilla wrap. It was DELICIOUS! 
Being plant-based means knowing your body and working closely with your doctor to determine that your nutritional intake is in optimal condition. We all tend to gravitate towards one particular food source, which can cause inflammation in the body over time. For me, it was too much soy and beans that caused significant digestive problems. It was so bad that I had to leave a party early to lie down in my car. Knowing that my body is sensitive to certain foods is a valuable tool, especially since we all want to live our best life.  
Mediterranean Wraps with Vegan Tzatziki - makes 4 -
1 med cucumber
1/2 t plus a couple of pinches of salt - divided
1 med tomato - diced
1/4 med red onion - diced
1/4 green bell pepper -seeded and diced
1 can (19oz) drained and rinsed. Or 2 1/4 cups cooked chickpeas or beans of your choice. I used butter beans.
3/4 cup plain unsweetened vegan yogurt
2T chopped fresh dill
1 clove garlic - minced
1T fresh lemon juice
freshly ground pepper
2 cups chopped lettuce
4 large tortillas or wraps. (I used Real coconut Gluten-Free tortilla wraps)
Grate half of the cucumber and sprinkle it with a pinch of salt. Place in a strainer and let it drain. 
In a bowl, combined the diced cucuber, tomato, red onion,  and bell pepper. 
Put the beans in a separate bowl and smash them with your hands or fork.
Squeeze as much water out of the grated cucumber as much as possible.
In a separate bowl, combine the grated cucumber, yogurt, dill, garlic, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt and black pepper to create the tzatziki.
Add 3T of tzatziki into smashed beans, along with 1/2t of salt and black pepper to taste. Mix well.
Toast the tortilla wraps in a dry skillet over medium-high heat. 
Divide the lettuce among the 4 tortillas and top with the smashed beans, mixed diced veggies, and a few dollops of tzatziki sauce. Wrap like a burrito. Toast the ends to keep them from unwrapping. 

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